[ Our authorized sanities are so many Nembutals. "Normal" citizens with store-dummy smiles stand apart from each other like cotton-packed capsules in a bottle. Perpetual mental out-patients. Maddeningly sterile jobs for strait-jackets, love scrubbed into an insipid "functional personal relationship" and Art as a fantasy pacifier. Everyone is kept inside while the outside is shown through windows: advertising and manicured news. And we all know this.
How many TV specials would it take to establish one Guatemalan revolution?How many weeks would an ad agency require to face-lift the image of the Viet Cong? Slowly, very slowly we are led nowhere. Consumer circuses are held in the ward daily. Critics are tolerated like exploding novelties. We will be told which burning Asians to take seriously. Slowly. Later.
But there is a real danger in suddenly waking a somnambulistic patient. And we all know this.]
The preceeding is an excerpt from Trip Without a Ticket originally published by the Diggers of San Francisco 1966-67
The Diggers were (and are) a radical anarchist street theatre movement that arose in Haight-Ashbury in 1960's San Francisco. They took their name from the original English Diggers in 1649 who advocated the abolishment of money and use of community property. The San Fransisco Diggers fed people daily in the Park during the height of the Haight- Ashbury in the late 1960's. Peter Coyote is one of the original Diggers many of whom came directly out of the San Francisco Mime Troupe, famous for their unauthorized guerilla theatre and street events.
[ What if he is startled right out the window?
No one can control the single circuit-breaking moment that charges games with critical reality. If the glass is cut, if the cushioned distance of media is removed, the patients may never respond as normals again. They will become life-actors.]
So that brings me to now I guess, June 2009 in Buffalo, NY. I am using the Diggers as a model for social justice and change. I believe in PEACE, but what good is that if nobody knows it? You see then that something has to be done now and on a regular basis. I also believe in TRUTH and getting it OUT there. Many people do not like the TRUTH. Most people simply" can't handle" the TRUTH. Nobody wants to BELIEVE our OWN government is responsible for 9/11. It's just too painful for them. Nobody wants to BELIEVE that a secret network exists to limit your freedoms and feed you a constant stream of lies in order to achieve their dark agendas. The TRUTH will be known. You can count on it. Sooner or later. I would like to focus on the positive but it is important for people to be aware of the negative too. If they aren't aware of it they can't do anything to change it. My websites contain a lot of positive information and it's my truth. It's what I believe. All I'm asking is for people to have an open mind and QUESTION AUTHORITY. That is, after all, our God-given right is it not? THERE IS INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE. And it's not just us folks. It's time people became hip to the idea that we are not alone here and never have been. The veil is lifting. Why are we so afraid of extraterrestrials? Because we have been taught to be. Think of Star Trek. The Prime Directive of Non-Interference. It's for real folks. You can believe it. This whole shebang has been One Grand Experiment. And it's almost over. We are leaving the world of duality behind and embracing Oneness again. Integration. Where LOVE reigns supreme and all the negative crap like war and disease simply doesn't exist. First contact is inevitable. It's going to happen. Sooner or later. And then we will begin to imagine a whole new Earth. That will be a fine day indeed. In the meantime I will be doing what I can to open people's eyes to the Truth. So stay tuned. It could get interesting.
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